We offer our services in many areas:

  • Information, media and telecommunications
  • Insurance/finance
  • construction, food industry and another industries
  •  energetics
  •  commerce
  •  public services

Where we got experiences

Our employees have experiences with clients where are belonging:

In the Czech republic

  • ADUT Moravia, s.r.o. (auditing services)
    • AGEL a.s. (experting services)
    • Julius Meinl Baliarne, s.r.o. - organizational unit (auditing services)
    • Chemopetrol, a.s. Litvínov (experting services)
    • CONSTRUCT HOLDING, a.s. (preparation of consolidating financial statement)
    • 1. české servis centrum, spol. s r.o. (auditing services)
    • Zetor, a.s. (valuating of trademark)
    • ELEKTROSVIT Karlovy Vary,Ostrava,Teplice,IM-EX Brno,s.r.o. a Svatobořice,a.s. (audits)
    • ELEKTROVOD Bratislava, organizační složka Brno (audit, účetní poradenství)
    • Technické služby Brno-sever (audit, advisory - transformation and termination of funded organisation)
    • ŽPSV, a.s. Uherský Ostroh (accounting advisory, also for ŽS Bratislava, a.s.)
    • LUXOR PRESS a.s. (audit, valuation)
    • SASTA, s.r.o. (audit)
    • AGRO BON SENS, a.s. IF in liquidation (audit, the activity of liquidator)
    • EUROVIA - Cesty, a.s. (expert services for Stavby silnic a železnic, a.s. dle § 196a ObchZ.)
    • ČESKÁ RAFINÉRSKA SLOVAKIA s.r.o. (expertise ? valuation of business share § 196a ObchZ.)
    • LÍDL MUSIC, s.r.o. (audit, accounting advisory)
    • DATAINVEST Praha, s.r.o. (accounting advisory with securities)
    • FINANCE Zlín, a.s. - dealer with security (audit, znal.služby, porad.při transformaci)
    • K + K Broker, s.r.o. (banking broker - accounting advisory for K + K Broker Slovakia)
    • CROSSTEC, s.r.o. Praha (audit)
    • ProMidas, a.s. (advisory with the change of form)
    • Banner Baterie ČR, s.r.o. Praha (accounting advisory for Banner Baterie SR, s.r.o. BA)
    • Gradace Group, a.s. Praha (emitor of PROFIT - audit, expertise)
    • Nadace Hnutí Grálu (audit, accounting advisory)
    • České muzeum výtvarných umění v Praze (audit, accounting advisory)

In Slovakia

  • Železnice Slovenskej republiky (audit, expert services)
    • Ministerstvo financí Slovenskej republiky - Ministery of finance of Slovakia (audit of its units)
    • VUJE, a.s. - Výskumný ústav jadrových elektrární, Trnava (audit,consolidation and accounting advisory)
    • Považské mlyny a cestovinárne, s.r.o. Piešťany (audit a expertise)
    • Siemens Building Technologies Slovensko, s.r.o. (audit, accounting advisory)
    • Landis & Staefa ESCO Slovensko s.r.o. (audit, accounting advisory
    • Elektrosystém, a.s. Bratislava (audit)
    • Tercoplast Bratislava, a.s. (audit also in TCP Zlín, s.r.o., advisory at transformation)
    • Mesto Lučenec (audit, accounting advisory)
    • Ipeľské Tehelne, a.s. (audit, tax and accounting advisory)
    • Magistrát mesta Košíc (project to transformation of urban entities to comunal holding)
    • Systémy automatizačnej techniky Bratislava, s.r.o. (audit, tax and accounting advisory)
    • MCST, a.s. (telecommunication systems for MV SR, audit, accounting advisory
    • ZPD Poltár (application services in new information system)

Statutar audit:

Statutary audit

    • Vitis Trade CZ, s.r.o. (2004 - 2008) - entity with wine and destilates
    • Agrohelp a.s. (2000 - 2011 includes consolidate financial statement) - agriculture focus
    • PARADISO Czech, s.r.o. (2001 - 2006 includes consolidate financial statement from 2005) - food industry
    • MELIORACE, a.s. (2000 - 2010) - construction entity
    • J.P.PLAST, s.r.o. (2000 - 2011) - production of plastics for automotive
    • ESET Software, s.r.o. (2007 - 2010) - internet provider software, expecially of antivirus
    • TIMEX Inc. S.r.o. (2003 - 2006) - entinty in the area of production and sale of coffee
    • LABORATOŘE MIKROCHEM spol. s r.o. (2000 and more) - laboratory analysis for Olomoucký, Ostravský, Zlínsky a Brněnský region
    • CHEMOLAK TRADE, spol. s r.o. (2004 - 2008, 2015 - 2022) - entinty with sale of colors many types
    • KES - kabelové a elektrické systémy, spol. s r.o. (2010) - production of cabels and electric volumes (in cooperation with CONSULTATIO from Wien)
    • ALMiG KOMPRESORY s.r.o. (2012 - 2013 a and the only IFRS corrections)
    • UNIKOV Steel spol. s r.o. (2012 and more) - production of metal furniture
    • FORLIT, a.s. (2010 and more, consolidate financial statement accorging to IFRS 2017 and more) - production of paper
    • Techservice CZ, s.r.o. (2011 and more, consolidate financial statement accorging IFRS 2017 and more) - sale of semi-finished products and foundry products)
    • INCENTRUM s.r.o. (2013 - 2017) - construction and repares of electrical equipment and engineering
    • TOMÁŠ group, spol. s r.o. (2017 - 2018 consolidate financial statement) - engineering
    • Mediation of employment - Group Manuvia, a.s. (2016 and more) a OSPRO MB s.r.o. (2016 and more)


Audit of Grands from the EU

  • G IMPULS Praha spol. s r.o. - in programm SafeRail realize new programms to higher of safety of railways
  • Okresní hospodářská komora Hodonín - in operating programm Education for competition
  • Krajská hospodářská komora Jihomoravského kraje - Education for competition


Another activities from last years:

Expert valuation

  • Valuating of shares net4net, a.s. in donation
  • Valuating of company KAŇÁK, spol. s r.o. in sale according to § 196a ObchZ. (actually § 255 ZOK)
  • Valuating of shares in PARADISO Czech, s.r.o. in sale
  • Valuating of shares R.B.M. Production s.r.o. in sale
  • Valuating of no monetary deposit in the form of shares to LUXOR PRESS, a.s. to high basic capital


Accounting advice

  • van Baerle VS s.r.o.
  • Rybotel CZ s.r.o. in Hodonín
  • ŽOS Trnava, a.s. - registration to DPH in Czech Republic and helpfullness of assembling DPH
  • Prvá Penzijná, správcovská společnost, a.s. IFRS
  • ŠEVČÍK OKNA, s.r.o. in Hodonín
  • AERO Vodochody, a.s.
  • BEUKER Slovakia, s.r.o., - financial statements
  • Bossard CZ a SK s.r.o. - financial statements
  • Kiboon Mobile s.r.o. - financial statements
  • Petra Ratíškovice s.r.o. - tax problems in Slovakia
  • Slevomat.cz s.r.o. - tax problems in Slovakia
  • Stavební Firma Plus s.r.o. - tax problems in Slovakia
  • M-Art, s.r.o. Hodonín s.r.o. - inventarisation of supplies


Cooperation in gaining of external sources (grants, credits):

Helpfulness in new business intentions

  • ELEKTROVOD Praha, s.r.o.
  • CARO - sausages
  • Penzion Pod Lipou - Brodský
  • ASIA - MTZ, s.r.o.
  • MTD Nábytek - furniture

These companies are only a sample of subjects according to their specialisation.