Auditorial activity
IAL 21: license nr. 355
Ing. Kováčik: letter n.1623 in KAČR (in Chamber of auditors of th Czech republic) and registration n. 475 in SKAU (in Slovakian chamber of auditors)
Ing. Eva Antonínová letter n. 2294 in KAČR
Participation on the appraisement and valuation of companies
IAL 21: licence deed n.j.: ŽO/D/01/0047 issued by the Office of Prague 8, by trade department in Prague on the 5th of December 2001 with reg.n.: 310008-66063-00 with the subject business appraisement of property for:
- personal chattels
- real chattels
- intangible property
- financial property
- company
In this area a close cooperation exists with IA Trenčín, IA Benetip Žilina, that are licenced since 1992 - 1993 in Slovakia and with Ing. Bělohoubkovou, enroled like authorized expert in the field of economy, particullary accounting under the symbol Spr 2756/96 issued on the 8th of October 1997 and a extended nomination including priceing and estimation with the specialization on appraisement of companies under the symbol Spr 2204/99 issued on the 17th of august 1999 and with Doc. Ing. Pavle's Legát, Expert Company for valuation companies licenced in list of Ministerium of Justice Czech republic from 7.9.2000 under the symbol 44/2000 - Zn for valuation services in the field of economy for the valuation companies and his parts.
Tax consulting
Ing. Kováčik: registration n. 271/94 in Slovakia chamber of tax consultants,
RNDr. Ferenc: tax consultant in CZE, registration n. 823 in chamber tax consultants of Czech republic, specialty on tax arguments
Ing. Rektořík: tax consultant in CZE, registration n. 666 in chamber tax consultants of Czech republic
Ing. Motl: tax consultant in CZE, resgistration n. 1569, specialist on VAT and provides its services in
We cooperate externaly with other consultants in Czech Republic(e.g. with Ing. Polónym Janom and Ing. Karáskom Otom, slovakian tax consultants oriented on collaborate with Austrian a german companies.
Acitivities in the field of Economy and management, particullary of accounitng and taxes.
In compilance with the letter of appointment from the 29th of June 1998, under the experts - registration number 20227 distinghuished by regional court Trnava was Ing. Kováčik Peter appointed expert in Slovakia, who later passed re-examination by the MS SVK in 2004 in compilance with new experts law and since the then is registered on MS SVK under reg.n.. 911757
From 12.10.2004 was Ing. Rektořík Bořivoj registered at the Municipal Office Kyjov as an appraiser expert with the concession deed under No. KY/2004/0892/F/K and under registration number 370603-7792-00 on the subject of business valuation of property for the company.
Activity of liquidator
Ing. Kováčik: On the bases of registration to th list of receivers and compel administrators in Prague on the 1st of october 1997 conducted by Ministry of finance of the Czech Republic under the number 101/74.029/1997 and reconfirmed by the renewing of the list of compel administrators and receivers for investments companies and securities by the Securities commission on the 6th of April 1999 under the number. 111/4.030/1998 and on the bases of enrolment on the list of assets administrators in bankruptcy in Banská Bystrica on the 25th of September 2001conducted by the regional court in Banská Bystrica, department of business judiciary under the number Spr. 1529/01.
Economic and accounting consultacy
Ing. Kováčik, Ing. Motl, Ing. Rektořík, RNDr. Ferenc, Mr. Hubáček - according to above mentioned licensed and trade license of individuals.
Financial analyses, financial management, projections
In compilance with already metioned licenses, through colaborating persons and partners with focus on the business planes and marketing intentions.
Tax, accountant and wage services
Over collaborating colleagues and partners, mentioned above and wage services procured by Mrs. Jana Tůmova, specialist on wages and personnel management, and Ing. Karolína Russová.
Management of accounting
Mr. Hubáček, Ing. Motl, Ing. Rektořík, RNDr. Ferenc and Jana Tůmová - in compiliance with above mentioned licenses and trade licenses conducted by IAL 21, s.r.o. and individuals mentioned above specialist in this field.
Advisory in the field od IT
Ing. Herůdek, Ing. Kováčik, Ing. Motl, Mr. Hubáček - according to long experiences in the area of application of economy software, also in the cooperation with external experts and specialists for the area of databasis software products.
Lectures are being held by Ing. Kováčik Peter within companies associated with INTERAUDIT and for the SKAU in the department of audit, for The Institute for bank education NBS, n.o. in the department of international accountant standards (IAS/IFRS) and information technology (IT application in audit, in consolidation and in economic and accounting applications).